Testing for Pregnancy with Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanning
Benefits of Scanning
Scanning your bitch can be beneficial for many reasons
Distinguish between a pregnancy and a phantom pregnancy
Being able to plan ahead, if you show your dogs you can plan your shows
Get your bitch acclimatized to her whelping quarters
Adjust diet accordingly
Informing potential customers of your expected litter
It enables you to find suitable homes for your puppies
Scanning is non invasive and safe for your your bitch, .
An ultra sound gel is used on your bitch , to help ensure a clear picture, a small amount of hair on heavily coated breeds may need to be clipped away to for optimum scan quality. this is only ever done with the owners permission.
Most scans take between 15-30 minutes and confidentiality assured.
The scan involves a detailed examination of the abdomen to confirm pregnancy .
Pregnancy detection can be carried out 28 days from the last mating and at anytime thereafter. 28 days is the optimum time for estimating the amount of puppies due,
During the scan I can freeze the ultrasound picture on the screen and print you a photograph of the scan.
At Canine breeding Services we providing an information service.
This is not a veterinary diagnosis and accept no responsibility or guarantees of live puppies or numbers of pups.
Neil Davies
Tel : 07966 663598
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